Aoba-Japan International School : Awarded accreditation of CIS and NEASC for all divisions including high school division
アオバジャパン・インターナショナルスクール(所在地:東京都練馬区、以下アオバ)の幼稚園課程から中等教育(ミドルスクール)課程までは、既にCIS(Council of International Schools)および NEASC(New England Association of Schools and Colleges)の認証を取得しており、このたび認証が更新されました。さらに、2011年に新設された高等教育(ハイスクール)課程も、今回新たに認証対象となり、両団体の基準を満たしている事が認証されました。アオバ(光が丘キャンパス)は、幼稚園から高等教育までの全課程において、国際的な認証評価機関の認証を取得いたしました。
Aoba-Japan International School (A-JIS), Nerima Tokyo, would like to announce that all school divisions have been awarded CIS (the Council of International Schools) and NEASC (the New England Association of Schools and Colleges) accreditation. While the elementary and middle school divisions maintained their CIS and NEASC accreditations, accreditation was awarded for the first time to the high school division established in 2011. All A-JIS programs at the Hikarigaoka campus are now officially accredited by the CIS and NEASC.
A-JIS (Hikarigaoka campus) has long been accredited by both the CIS and NEASC. In 2014-2015 it was time to renew that accreditation. Both divisions once again passed the strict accreditation process and both were awarded re-accreditation. At the same time, the high school division, newly established in 2011, also passed the process and was awarded CIS and NEASC accreditation as well. All programs at A-JIS (Hikarigaoka campus) are now officially accredited by the CIS and NEASC, both international accreditation organizations.
Both the CIS and NEASC are accrediting organizations for educational institutions whose aim is to improve and to maintain the quality of education worldwide. The CIS especially is an international accreditation organization which evaluates each institute from the point of view of raising students with a global perspective. To be accredited by these organizations means schools are excellent educational institutions that meet strict standards and provide a high level of international education.
Students who graduate from schools accredited by the CIS are regarded by the Japanese Ministry of Education (MEXT) as equal to those who graduate from Japanese high schools. Those graduates (including the graduates from A-JIS) are therefore able to apply to Japanese universities as well as to universities abroad.
All of the A-JIS divisions (the elementary school division, the middle school division, and the high school division) are presently also IB World School candidates (for the PYP, MYP and DP). Now that A-JIS is a fully accredited K-12 school, our next objective is to become a fully accredited provider of the International Baccalaureate Programme. We are committed to continuing to improve the quality of education at A-JIS.
◆CIS(Council of International Schools)
The Council of International Schools (CIS) is a membership community committed to high quality international education. As a global non-profit membership organization, CIS provides services to primary and secondary schools, higher education institutions so that each school can provide high quality education to raise students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to pursue their lives as global citizens.
◆NEASC(New England Association of Schools and Colleges)
The New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc., (NEASC) is the USA's oldest accrediting association, serving more than 2,000 public and independent schools, colleges and universities, and American/international schools in more than sixty nations worldwide. The mission of NEASC is to assess and promote the quality of education through the accreditation of its members.
【About Aoba-Japan International School】
株式会社ビジネス・ブレークスルー(所在地:東京都千代田区、代表取締役:大前研一、以下BBT)の子会社であるアオバインターナショナルエデュケイショナルシステムズ(本店:東京都練馬区)が運営する歴史あるインターナショナルスクール。1976年に目黒区青葉台での開校。幼児から12年生(高校3年生)までを対象とした、特定の宗教を持たない共学のインターナショナルスクール。日本語クラス以外の授業はすべて英語で行われ、英語圏の英語教材を使用。英語の苦手な生徒をサポートする非常に効果的なプログラムも用意され、質の高い教育を提供している。幼稚園から高校までの全ての課程において北米および国際水準のカリキュラムを提供、卒業生は世界中の大学への出願資格が得られる。さらに、アオバはCIS(Council of International Schools)および NEASC(New England Association of Schools and Colleges)の認証も受けているほか、全ての課程(初等課程:PYPプログラム、中等教育課程(ミドルスクール):MYPプログラム、高等教育課程(ハイスクール):DPプログラム)において、国際バカロレアの認定候補校となっている。
A-JIS is an international school operated by Aoba International Educational Systems (Aoba) (Head Office: Tokyo, Nerima-ku), which became a subsidiary of Business Breakthrough Inc. (BBT) (Location: Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku, President: Kenichi Ohmae) in October 2013. Founded in 1976 in Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Aoba-Japan International School is a pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, co-ed, secular school open to all nationalities and religions. Except for Japanese language classes, all classes are conducted in English and use native language resources. For students who have difficulty communicating in English, A-JIS has a strong and effective English language support program that prepares students for the mainstream program. From pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12, the school provides a curriculum that follows international standards, and graduates can obtain the credentials they require to apply to universities worldwide. A-JIS is accredited through the Council of International Schools (CIS) and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). All of the A-JIS divisions (the elementary school division, the middle school division, and the high school division) are presently also IB World School candidates (for the PYP, MYP and DP).
【About BBT】
世界に通用するビジネスパーソンの育成を目的として1998年に設立した教育コンテンツプロバイダー。マネジメント教育事業を主軸とし、世界的経営コンサルタントである大前研一の知識や経験に基づいた最先端のコンテンツを主にオンデマンドで提供。 「Life Time Empowerment」をコンセプトとしている弊社は2013年10月からアオバジャパン・インターナショナルスクールの経営にも参加。幼少期から成人まで、人の成長に応じた教育のパートナーであり続けるために幼児から定年後まで、生涯の学習をサポートするためのプラットフォームを形成、世界に通用するグローバル人材の育成を戦略的にサポートしている。輩出人数はのべ約5万人。
BBT is an educational contents provider incorporated in 1998, with the aim of fostering business people who will flourish in the international arena. BBT sets management education as its main pillar, and provides, on demand, cutting edge content pertaining to business issues stemming from experiences and knowledge of the internationally renowned management consultant Kenichi Ohmae. Under the concept of “Lifetime Empowerment”, BBT has been involved in the management of Aoba-Japan International School from October 2013. By providing a platform for lifelong education, from young children to adults, and beyond retirement, BBT is strategically supporting to foster globally minded people who can be an active global player. Approximately 50,000 people have been sent out to the business world from BBT’s courses.
In October 2013, Aoba became a subsidiary of BBT. With this, BBT is now involved in pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 education in addition to the university, graduate school and business education courses. BBT is evolving into an educational institution that provides lifelong education.