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株式会社SOL Holdings

【SOL Holdings 報道発表資料】SOL Holdings 、ベトナムにおけるスーパーソルガム事業展開に関する試験栽培を開始


~ 国内大手民間乳業メーカー並びにベトナム最大の製糖会社との共同試験実施~

株式会社SOL Holdings(所在地:神奈川県川崎市、代表取締役社長:宮嶋 淳、以下、当社)は、ベトナム社会主義共和国(以下、「ベトナム」)の農業農村開発省及び「TH Milk Food Stock Company」(URL: http://www.thmilk.vn/en/book 以下、「TH MILK」)、「Lam Son Sugar Cane Joint Stock Corporation」(URL: http://www.lasuco.com.vn/ 以下、「Lam Son Sugar」)との間で、スーパーソルガム試験栽培の共同実施に関して基本合意し、平成26年3月より試験栽培を開始いたします。

先般、ベトナム農業農村開発省主催により、ベトナムの砂糖産業、酪農産業、エタノール産業などの主要企業を招いたカンファレンスが開催され、その中で当社は、インドネシアでのスーパーソルガム栽培実績や、農作物・エネルギー作物としてのスーパーソルガムの優位性をご説明いたしました。ベトナムにおけるサトウキビの年間収量は60トン/ha、現在ベトナム国内において家畜用飼料原料として生産されている在来種ソルガムの年間収量は70トン/haであるのに対し、スーパーソルガムはインドネシアにおける試験栽培実験で年間収量430トン/haを実証しており、ベトナム国内においても高い収量が得られる可能性を有していることから、農業農村開発省をはじめ、当カンファレンスに参加したベトナム国内の大手企業複数社より、スーパーソルガムのベトナムにおける事業展開にご賛同いただき、TH MILK、Lam Son Sugarとの間で、業務提携を前提としたスーパーソルガム試験栽培に関する覚書(MOU)を締結いたしました。その後当社は、ベトナム農業農村開発省ならびにTH MILK、Lam Son Sugarほか、国内大手砂糖メーカー2社との間で、スーパーソルガム試験栽培の共同実施に関して基本合意し、現在、開始に向けた圃場設計等、詳細条件に関する協議を行っております。

平成26年3月開始を目途とし、ベトナム国内の地理、気候条件を考慮して選定した北部、中部、中部高地、南部などの複数箇所、合計約30haの圃場での実施を予定しております。なお、本件試験栽培は、Lam Son Sugarほか、国内大手砂糖メーカーによるスーパーソルガムとサトウキビの性能比較試験、TH MILKによるスーパーソルガムの搾りかすを原料とした乳牛用飼料(サイレージ)の給餌試験、ベトナムの法令に基づく種子登録を目的としており、本件試験栽培の結果をもって、ベトナム国内へのスーパーソルガム種子の輸入を開始し、各社が栽培する既存作物をスーパーソルガムへ置換えることを前提とした業務提携契約を締結する予定です。

■ベトナム国内のスーパーソルガム事業に関する業務委任について当社は、本件試験栽培に伴い、「INCOMEX SAIGON GROUP」(URL:http://www.incomexsaigon.com.vn/ 以下、「INCOMEX」)へ、ベトナム国内におけるスーパーソルガム事業展開に関する事前準備並びに種子輸入手続きに関する業務を委任することといたしました。INCOMEXに現地準備等の業務を委任することで、より迅速かつ円滑なスーパーソルガム試験栽培の実施が可能となります。今後、当社はINCOMEXを通じベトナム国内におけるスーパーソルガム試験栽培の実施を推進するとともに、平成27年度のスーパーソルガム商用化事業展開に向けて積極的に取り組んでまいります。


●TH乳業株式会社(TH Milk Food Stock Company)の概略

●ラムソン製糖株式会社(Lam Son Sugar Cane Joint Stock Corporation)の概略

●インコメックスサイゴングループ(INCOMEX SAIGON GROUP)の概略

■会社概要 SOL Holdings
商号:株式会社SOL Holdings
所在地:神奈川県川崎市中原区小杉町一丁目403番地 小杉ビルディング
代表者:代表取締役社長 宮嶋 淳

■SOL Holdings 公式WEBサイト:http://www.sol-hd.jp/

株式会社SOL Holdings
担当:マーケティング戦略兼広報室 執行役員 赤尾 伸悟

Press Release
Attn: Members of the media
January 28, 2014
SOL Holdings Corp.

SOL Holdings to commence trial cultivation as part of Super Sorghum project in Vietnam
Joint trials with Vietnam’s largest private dairy manufacturer and largest sugar company

SOL Holdings Corp. (Headquarters: Kawasaki, Kanagawa prefecture; President: Atsushi Miyajima; hereafter “SOL Holdings”) has concluded a basic agreement to carry out joint trial cultivation of Super Sorghum in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, in partnership with the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, TH Milk Food Stock Company (http://www.thmilk.vn/en/book; hereafter “TH Milk”) and Lam Son Sugar Cane Joint Stock Corporation (http://www.lasuco.com.vn/; hereafter “Lam Son Sugar”). Trial cultivation is due to get underway in March 2014.

■Background to Trial Cultivation and Progress so far
The Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development recently hosted a conference for major national companies from the sugar, dairy and ethanol industries, amongst others. During the conference, SOL Holdings gave a presentation on the success of Super Sorghum cultivation in Indonesia and the benefits of Super Sorghum as both a crop and an energy source. Vietnam currently produces an annual yield of 60 tons per hectare of sugar cane, and 70 tons per hectare of sorghum, an indigenous crop that is primarily made into livestock feed. In contrast, trial cultivation in Indonesia has produced an annual yield of 430 tons per hectare of Super Sorghum, suggesting that there is significant potential to increase yields in Vietnam. With that in mind, the ministry itself and a number of the major companies attending the conference agreed that Super Sorghum should be rolled out in Vietnam too. SOL Holdings signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with TH Milk and Lam Son Sugar regarding the trial cultivation of Super Sorghum, with an eye to forming a business partnership. Since then, SOL Holdings has concluded basic agreements regarding joint trial cultivation of Super Sorghum with two major Vietnamese sugar manufacturers, in addition to the ministry, TH Milk and Lam Son Sugar, and is currently in discussions regarding field design and other details in preparation for cultivation.

■Outline of Trial Cultivation
The trial is due to commence in March 2014 and will take place in fields covering approximately 30 hectares in total, spread across numerous locations in the north, center, central highlands and south of Vietnam, carefully selected for their geographical and climatic conditions. In addition to Lam Son Sugar, Vietnam’s largest sugar manufacturer will also be running comparative performance trials on Super Sorghum and sugar cane as part of trial cultivation. TH Milk meanwhile will be conducting trials on feed for dairy cows (silage) made from Super Sorghum bagasse. The aim is to legally register seeds in Vietnam. Depending on the results of trial cultivation, there are plans to start importing Super Sorghum seeds into the country and to conclude business partnership agreements with an eye to replacing existing crops grown by individual companies with Super Sorghum.

■Outsourcing Services Relating to Super Sorghum in Vietnam
As part of trial cultivation, SOL Holdings has also decided to outsource services relating to advance preparations for Super Sorghum operations in Vietnam, and seed import procedures, to the Incomex Saigon Group (http://www.incomexsaigon.com.vn/; hereafter “Incomex”). Outsourcing local preparations and other such services to Incomex will make it possible to speed up and facilitate the trial cultivation of Super Sorghum. As well as pushing ahead with trial cultivation of Super Sorghum in Vietnam through Incomex, SOL Holdings is also committed to commercializing Super Sorghum in fiscal 2015.

●Outline of the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is the most important government agency in Vietnam in terms of supporting agricultural producers. It has regional offices throughout the country and covers a wide range of areas, from production of major domestic produce through to consumption.
Website: http://www.mard.gov.vn/pages/home.aspx

●Outline of TH Milk Food Stock Company
TH Milk is the largest private dairy manufacturer in Vietnam. With its advanced dairy production techniques and brand image, it has set itself apart from other companies and successfully increased its share of the market. It is currently building Vietnam’s first ever high-tech integrated production plant for fresh milk and other dairy products, which is also set to be one of the largest in the country. As part of this project, the company is aiming to rear 137,000 dairy cows across 12 farms by the year 2017, and to produce an annual total of 500,000 tons of milk, enough to meet 50% of domestic demand.
Website: http://www.thmilk.vn/en/book

●Outline of Lam Son Sugar Cane Joint Stock Corporation
Lam Son Sugar is the largest sugar company in Vietnam. It manufactures sugar and alcoholic products for both industry and consumers, and currently operates two sugar plants (with a production capacity of 7,000 tons per day) and two alcohol plants. Its wide-ranging business activities also include mechanical services, industrial product imports, exports, warehousing and rental, and pasteurization.
Website: http://www.lasuco.com.vn/

●Outline of the Incomex Saigon Group
Established in 1989, Incomex currently has a workforce of around 300 employees. It is headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City and has been successful with its real estate, infrastructure and investment operations. It is drawing on more than 15 years of experience with real estate development projects to assist with the development of the Super Sorghum business.
Website: http://www.incomexsaigon.com.vn/

■Company Profile: SOL Holdings
Name: SOL Holdings Corp.
Headquarters: Kosugi Building, 1-403 Kosugimachi, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa prefecture
Representative: Atsushi Miyajima, President
Established: December 4, 1970
Tokyo Stock Exchange JASDAQ code: 6636
Affiliated companies:
Syswave Corp.
Syswave Training Corp.
Syswave Techno Corp.
Sorghum Japan Co. Ltd.
RealVision Inc.
JOBU Corp.
Soar System Inc.

■SOL Holdings Website: http://www.sol-hd.jp/

【Media inquiries regarding this press release】
SOL Holdings Corp.
Tel: +81-44-738-3939
Email: postmaster@sol-hd.jp

