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ヘイズ、最優秀マーケティング賞を受賞/Hays scoops top marketing award


【東京2013年12月16日】グローバルな人材サービスを提供するヘイズ・グループは、このたび「International Content Marketing Awards 2013(2013年 国際コンテンツ・マーケティング賞)」のB2Bプロフェッショナル・金融サービス部門で最優秀賞を受賞しました。今回の受賞は、ヘイズが提供する「ヘイズ・ジャーナル」のコンテンツ・プログラムを対象としたものです。

今年で5年目を迎えたInternational Content Marketing Awardsは優れたコンテンツ・マーケティングに対して贈られるもので、Facebookのクリエイティブ・ストラテジストやChartered Institute of Marketing(CIM、英国公認マーケティング協会)のコーポレートアフェアーズ部長、英国のマーケティング業界誌Marketing Weekの主幹編集デスクなど業界の専門家からなる選考委員会によって受賞者が決定されます。


ヘイズ・グループ本部のグループマーケティング担当ディレクター、ショルト ダグラスは今回の受賞にあたって、次のように述べています。「ヘイズ・ジャーナルを提供することによって、世界の労働市場を左右する、重要な変化に関するヘイズの考察は、業界を代表するコメントとして大きな影響力を持つようになっており、こうしたヘイズ・ジャーナルの成功が評価されたことを大いに誇りに思います。今回、このような賞を受賞したことを励みに、今後ますますコンテンツマーケティング・プログラムの強化に取り組み、これまで独自の出版物を通じてヘイズが実証してきた、世界の人事・採用者にとって重要な問題に関し信頼できる価値の高い情報の提供になお一層注力していきたいと考えます」。




Tuesday 17 December, 2013
Hays scoops top marketing award

Hays, the leading recruiting expert, has been named as best B2B professional and financial services organisation at the International Content Marketing Awards 2013. The recruiter received the award for the content programme to support its Hays Journal.

The awards are in their fifth year and recognise excellence in content marketing. The winners were chosen by a panel of industry judges that included the creative strategist from Facebook, the head of corporate affairs from the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the features editor from Marketing Week.

Hays Journal is a bi-annual publication which provides insight and news for HR and recruitment professionals on the ever-changing world of work. The judges were particularly impressed with the broad array of channels used in promoting the Hays Journal, including a bi-annual print title, an iOS app version of the publication, and the distribution of the print version in first- and business-class airport lounges around the world.

Sholto Douglas - Home, Group Marketing Director at Hays, comments: “We are proud to be recognised for the success of the Hays Journal, which has made a significant impact in presenting Hays as a leading commentator on key developments impacting the global world of work. Winning this award goes a long way to proving the strength of our content marketing programme, demonstrated in a unique publication that provides the global HR and recruitment industry with respected, valued insight into the important issues that matter to them.”

To read the latest issue of the Hays Journal visit http://www.hays.co.jp/hays-journal/index.htm or via the Hays Journal iPad app. Printed copies are available on request.

Hays, the world’s leading recruiting experts in qualified, professional and skilled people.

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For further information please contact Keiko Asakura, Marketing Manager of Hays in Japan on +81 03 3560 2813 or Keiko.Asakura@hays.co.jp

About Hays
Hays is the leading global specialist recruiting group. It is the expert at recruiting qualified, professional and skilled people worldwide.

Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan KK ("Hays") is the largest foreign recruitment company in Japan and operates across the private sector, dealing in permanent positions, contract roles and temporary assignments. Hays has been in Japan for more than a decade, and boasts a track record of success and growth.

Hays is the only foreign recruitment company in Japan to operate specialist business units composed of professionals with experience and expertise in the sectors they cover. Hays Japan’s thirteen specialisms span Accountancy & Finance, Banking, Finance Technology, Human Resources, Hays Resource Management, Information Technology, Insurance, Legal, Life Sciences, Office Professionals, Property, Sales & Marketing and Supply Chain.

Hays is also the only foreign recruitment company in Japan to operate three local offices, serving the Kanto region from Akasaka and Shinjuku, and Kansai from central Osaka.

Hays Japan is the local representative office for Hays plc, which is a global company with more than 7,840 staff operating from 239 offices in 33 countries across 20 specialisms.

Hays operates in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, the UK and the USA.

