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ヘイズ ジャパン、ISO 9001:2008認証を取得/ Expect more from your recruiter


【東京2014 年1月28日】人材紹介会社のヘイズ・スペシャリスト・リクルートメント・ジャパン株式会社(本社:東京都港区、リージョナル・ディレクター、ジョナサン・サンプソン、以下ヘイズ・ジャパン)は、品質マネジメントシステムにおける最高峰の国際標準規格であるISO 9001:2008を取得したことを発表しました。

【東京2014 年1月28日】人材紹介会社のヘイズ・スペシャリスト・リクルートメント・ジャパン株式会社(本社:東京都港区、リージョナル・ディレクター、ジョナサン・サンプソン、以下ヘイズ・ジャパン)は、品質マネジメントシステムにおける最高峰の国際標準規格であるISO 9001:2008を取得したことを発表しました。

アジアではさまざまな業界規制が各企業の自主判断に委ねられている場合が多く、こうした中でISO 9001:2008の品質マネジメントシステム認証を取得したことは、リクルーティング業界の水準を高め、一段と高い基準を新たに設定することになります。同時に、国内の採用企業や候補者にとってもアジア地域においては数少ない、世界で最も優れたプロセスや業務を提供できるリクルーターの協力を得る機会が与えられることになります。










Tuesday 28 January, 2014

Expect more from your recruiter

Local recruiter Hays in Japan has been awarded the world-leading ISO 9001:2008 certification in recognition of a management system confirming to world-leading standards.

In an industry that is largely self-regulated in Asia, the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System certification raises the bar and sets a new high standard for recruitment in Asia. It also gives local employers and candidates the opportunity to work with a recruiter with the world’s best processes and practices - a rarity in Asia.

“In Asia, much of the recruitment industry is self-regulated,” says Jonathan Sampson, Regional Director of Hays in Japan. “But at Hays, we are setting a new and very high benchmark for service.

“Jobseekers and employers in Asia shouldn’t settle for second best. They should be able to deal with a recruiter who utilises world best-practice, with processes that have been developed, improved and validated in line with quality assured standards, so only best practice methodologies are used.

“This certification proves that our systems stand apart in the Asian market and sets a new standard for other recruiters to aspire to.

“As a measure of our influence, Hays is the most followed recruitment company in the world on LinkedIn.

“Hays’ services include e-commerce capability and an operational system that harnesses the power of Google searching. Our database coordinates with LinkedIn’s network to deliver the most up-to-date and productive connections.

“Together with the expertise of our staff and management team, our clients and candidates receive Asia’s leading recruitment service.”

To search for jobs or find your next staff member, contact Hays.

Hays, the world’s leading recruiting experts in qualified, professional and skilled people.

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For further information please contact Claire Martin of Hays in Japan on +81 (0)3 3560 1529.

About Hays

Hays is the leading global specialist recruiting group. It is the expert at recruiting qualified, professional and skilled people worldwide.

Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan KK ("Hays") is the largest foreign recruitment company in Japan and operates across the private sector, dealing in permanent positions, contract roles and temporary assignments. Hays has been in Japan for more than a decade, and boasts a track record of success and growth.

