トレンドニュースサイト STRAIGHT PRESS【 ストレートプレス 】


オーストラリア クイーンズランド州 定期映像配信開始!



コアラ生息地のオーストラリア クイーンズランド州

2014年11月4日 オーストラリア‐ブリスベン











詳しくはクイーンズランド州政府観光局サイトhttp://www.queensland.jp/ をご参照ください。

ローンパイン・コアラ・サンクチュアリについての情報はhttp://www.koala.net/ をご覧ください。

ローンパイン・コアラ・サンクチュアリのコアラは、The Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines: Exhibited Animals 2009 (オーストラリア動物福祉基準ガイドライン法:展示動物2009年)を順守しています。クイーンズランド州公園および野生生物局(QPWS)については、国立公園、レクリエーション、スポーツ、レーシング省のサイトhttp://www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/ をご参照ください。

NTSC users
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Editors’ note: Interviews in English, German and Swedish. Interviews with international visitors and Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary staff. Visions of koala cuddling, kangaroos, snake show, hall of fame (celebrities cuddling koalas pictures) and Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary property visions.

VNR Shotlist
00:00 Vision of Chinese toddler holding Koala at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Brisbane
00:32 Lone Pine entrance and signs
00:49 Vision of koalas at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
01:24 Hall of Fame - photos of celebrities who have visited Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
01:44 Interview with Karen Nilsson, Head Koala Keeper at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary:
“Queensland’s definitely the primary place in Australia to hold Koalas and get such an up close and personal experience.”
01:54 2nd interview grab from Karen:
“And as little trainees, they don’t do any more than 10 minutes a day, even when they are just being cuddled by me and then, even as an adult they won’t be held for more than half an hour a day and after 3 days they have to have a day off were they are not held at all, so they do spend a limited amount of time being held by people and the main reason for that is obviously people have noticed koalas do spend a lot of time resting and sleeping. So by limiting it to half an hour maximum, we are not interrupting their usual daily routine.”
02:28 3rd interview with Karen:
“The biggest tip is to pretend that you are a tree, that’s what koalas are used to sitting in.”
02:33 4th interview grab with Karen:
“When you are holding a koala you stay nice and still, give them good support under their bottoms so that they know they’re not going to fall, and then they are quite happy for you to give them pats and cuddles.”
02:43 5th interview grab from Karen
“Our koalas see everybody who visits us as VIPs, so they all, the koalas treat all of our guests with the same amount of respect and kindness and all that kind of thing and so they will expect to see koalas which are actually really comfortable being with people, very comfortable being held by people, and are actually really quite gentle and considerate of people.”
03:07 Question to Karen “Do you think the koalas would be excited for a presidential hug?”
A - “ Um, the koalas probably take it a little bit more in their stride than what some of the handlers might, some of the handlers might be more excited than the koalas.
03:20 Interview with Robert Friedler, General Manager, Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Brisbane:
“People around the world are used to dealing with cats and dogs, maybe pigeons but most people living in cities, that’s their whole range of experience with wildlife so getting really up close with the kangaroos and the koalas and being able to actually touch one of the cutest animals in the world is really an unforgettable experience”.
03:39 Interview with Swedish tourist Matilda Tudor - interviews in English and Swedish:
‘It’s my first time holding a koala and it felt quite amazing actually.”
03:44 “It was something I had been dreaming of, to actually meet a koala in real life. I have been Googling koalas and watching videos on YouTube and such but we don’t have many in Sweden so, it was my number one thing to do in coming here to Australia.”
04:02 Matilda’s answer in Swedish
04:16 Peter and Elizabeth Krassa from Germany recommends koala cuddling to their Chancellor, Angela Merkel.
“Please Angela, come to Australia, to Brisbane, and hold a koala ‘cause it’s very amazing and very nice and very good.”
04:27 Same grab in German.
04:38 Vision of koala photo gallery with tourists taking turns to hold a koala
05:21 Karen Nilsson, showing another handler the correct ‘koala hold’ technique
05:49 More koala vision
07:18 General vision of Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
07:51 Vision of the Kangaroo Reserve
08:01 Shot of an emu
08:06 Lone Pine kangaroos and visitors
08:48 2 European travellers take a ‘selfie’ with a kangaroo
09:09 Vision of Lone Pine’s snake show
09:28 ENDS

